Direct Hire Services

Direct Hire Services

Direct to Hire Services is a staffing model that Nekst Step Staffing, LLC offers to help companies find and hire permanent employees. Here’s an overview of how it works:

Needs Assessment: The first step is to assess the company’s hiring needs, including job requirements, skills, experience, and other criteria. Nekst Step Staffing, LLC works closely with the company to understand their specific requirements.

Candidate Search: Once the job requirements have been established, Nekst Step Staffing, LLC will start the candidate search process. They use a variety of methods to find suitable candidates, including job postings, referrals, networking, and other recruitment strategies.

Candidate Screening: Once potential candidates have been identified, Nekst Step Staffing, LLC will conduct an initial screening process to ensure they meet the requirements and qualifications of the job. This process may include resume review, phone interviews, and skill assessments.

Candidate Presentation: Nekst Step Staffing, LLC will present a shortlist of candidates to the company, along with their resumes and other relevant information. The company can then review the candidates and decide which ones to interview.

Interviews: The company will conduct interviews with the candidates they are interested in, and Nekst Step Staffing, LLC can assist with scheduling and other logistics.

Selection: Once the interview process is complete, the company can choose the candidate they want to hire. Nekst Step Staffing, LLC can assist with the hiring process, including salary negotiation, background checks, and other administrative tasks.

Onboarding: Once the candidate has been hired, Nekst Step Staffing, LLC can assist with the onboarding process, ensuring a smooth transition into the company.

Overall, Direct to Hire Services from Nekst Step Staffing, LLC can help companies find and hire high-quality permanent employees quickly and efficiently.

What We Offer

Our Hourly wage is setup so that it is affordable for small to large businesses. See our hourly wages breakdown below:

NSS Direct Hire Cost

Entry Level

Skilled Labor





30 Day Guarantee:

After Hiring the new employee, Nekst Step will stay involved for 30 days to insure the new hire’s success. This will Include:

  • Weekly follow-up
  • On the Job Coaching and Mentoring
  • Case Managements

*If “On the Job” Services are needed beyond 30 days. The cost will be $825 per Month. Up to 90 days (3 months)

Major Benefits for Your Business

The Department of Labor offers employers free bonding program to promote the recruitment of workers with criminal records. The bonds program protects employers from losses related to employee dishonesty or theft. 

The Work Opportunity Tax Credit (WOTC) is a Federal Tax Credit extended by the federal government to organizations that hire people with barriers to employment like criminal records The tax credit up to $9000 applies to private-sector businesses that hire ex-convicts from nine target groups who have consistently faced significant barriers to employment.

Signed into law in April 2008, the Second Chance Act (SCA) aims to enhance public safety by breaking the cycle of criminal recidivism and improving outcomes for people returning from prisons, jails, and juvenile facilities.


Workers with felony records have a lower attrition rate than other employees because having a criminal history is often a barrier to alternative employment. Studies have shown that people with criminal histories are likely to be more motivated, productive, and loyal employees because other employers have rejected them.

Hiring people with a criminal history reduces discrimination claims and violations of Criminal Offender Record Information (CORI) ordinances. It also results in a racially diverse workforce. Studies indicate that people of color are more likely to have interacted with the criminal justice system than whites. According to the Federal Bureau of Justice Statistics, Black men are imprisoned at nearly six times the rate of white men.